Do your California lawmakers support net neutrality?

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State Legislature Scoreboard

This is how every member of the California State Legislature voted on SB 822.

=Against net neutrality
=Supports net neutrality

Assembly Members


What is net neutrality? Why does it matter?

Net neutrality is the principle that everyone should have access to websites and apps, preventing Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon from creating “fast lanes,” censoring content, throttling traffic and even outright blocking access to their competitor's products. This principle has guided the world wide web from the beginning, and has been protected by federal policy under Republican AND Democrat leadership since the early 2000s.

Unfortunately, Internet providers ignored this policy and even actively sued the federal government to destroy net neutrality protections … and they won. Their anti-consumer practices finally convinced the FCC to issue the Open Internet Order as a last resort in 2015. But under new leadership, the FCC has removed these regulations, threatening to end the web as we know it. A federal court ruling has opened up a path for net neutrality laws at the state and national level, giving open Internet supporters hope that the Save the Internet Act can enshrine net neutrality into law once and for all.

Want to learn more? Watch these videos!

John Oliver

Comedian. (Watch this first!)

Net Neutrality

A short explanation of what's at stake.

The Congressional Review Act

And how Congress can use it to overrule the FCC and defend net neutrality.


Why we need net neutrality

Tay Zonday

Singer. Actor. YouTube star.

Julia Reda

Member of European Parliament.

Bernie Sanders

Senator. Former presidential candidate.

Mignon Clyburn

FCC Commissioner.

John Oliver, pt. 2

Hilarious and updated for 2017.

Tim Wu

Law professor, with Colbert at Six Flags.

College Humor


Fight for the Future

The Internet is under attack. This is the Battle for the Net.

Burger King

Yes, Burger King. An amazing explanation.